We are pleased to announce that we are rapidly approaching a significant milestone in our dentist office: One hundred dental visits by Medical Residents from Yale New Haven Hospital in 2016 alone! These visits by residents included everything from cleanings and fillings to wisdom teeth extractions.
We are glad we are able to provide dental care to these doctors in training. In many cases, residents did not see a dentist while in medical school due to unpredictable schedules and hospital rotations.
Why YNNH Residents Choose our Office
There are many reasons why Yale residents gravitate towards our office:
Proximity to Yale New Haven Hospital
Except in cases of significant traffic, we are a 10 minute drive from both the main Yale Hospital campus and Saint Raphael. Some residents jump on 95, others on the Post Rd, while others take Rt 34 or other routes.

One of our many Yale resident patients at a recent visit with Dr. Nick Calcaterra.
“Resident Friendly” Hours
Residents, especially those in surgical subspecialties, work atypical hours. In many cases, a dental office that’s open Monday – Friday from 9:00 to 5:00 simply does not work. Because we offer early morning and select evening and weekend appointments, we’re able to accommodate the schedules of nearly all specialties, from Neurosurgery to Peds! (Note: we have resident patients in both those fields).
We Accept the Yale Hospital Dental Insurance
All Yale Hospital residents have some variation of Delta Dental insurance. Not only are we an in-network dental office with Delta, we are experts in it! We can make sure you maximize your benefits at our office. Just call and ask for Jenn or Aimee and we’ll help you out.
As an FYI, all Yale Hospital employees, not just residents, have Delta Dental, and we have hundreds of employees as patients. We live, eat, and breath Yale Delta Dental!
We Love to Talk Shop
In our experience, some residents like to come in and sleep while they get a cleaning. And that’s OK. Others like to talk and learn as much as possible. And we love that! Dr. Nick Calcaterra loves to talk about dentistry. If you want a refresher on all the branches of the trigeminal nerve and how it affects local anesthesia success, you’ve come to the right place!
Interested in making an appointment? Want to learn more about why our office is the choice of dozens of Yale residents? Call us at (203) 799 – 2929 or visit this page.